Ski school

Adult group lessons

Beginner, intermediates and advanced courses

3 to 6 days

Explore and make progress


Best value for money

small groups

Free cancellation up to 15 days before

🇬🇧 English speaking instructors 🇬🇧

When you go on a mountain vacation, one of the most memorable experiences you can have is skiing down the slopes. Whether you're a novice or looking to improve your skills, group ski lessons in small groups are a must-consider option. They offer numerous advantages that can make your stay in Montgenèvre even more rewarding!
Instructor since 2001

Adult ski courses for all skill levels

4 to 6 students per group

Rates, schedules and number of students per class

Pedagogy & Details
🙌🏻 Personalized learning 🙌🏻

The instructor can focus on each student individually. This approach allows you to progress at your own pace

🫶🏼Friendly Atmosphere🫶🏼

You will learn alongside other skiers with similar skills, allowing you to share your successes and challenges while encouraging each other

⛑️ Guaranteed Safety ⛑️

It is an absolute priority in our group lessons. Instructors ensure that you understand and adhere to safety rules, thus minimizing the risk of accidents

💶 Cost-Effective 💶

The option of group lessons provides an excellent value for money while benefiting from quality instruction. You can enjoy the expertise of an experienced ski instructor without breaking the bank

What is Bernard's biggest flaw?

Improving skiing skills in Montgenevre

Montgenevre offers an idyllic setting for skiing enthusiasts, whether they are beginners or experienced. Here’s why our resort is the perfect place to learn and improve your skiing:

1. Varied Slopes:
Montgenevre offers a wide variety of slopes suitable for all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find slopes that match your abilities, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

2. Premium Ski Lessons:
Our ski school’s instructors are experienced and passionate. They are dedicated to teaching you the best skiing techniques while ensuring safety and enjoyment.

3. Friendly Atmosphere:
The warm and friendly atmosphere of our group lessons makes learning to ski even more enjoyable. Skiers from all backgrounds enroll in our adult classes to discover, share their passion, and create great memories together!

4. Safety First:
Safety is an absolute priority. Ski school instructors ensure that you understand and adhere to safety rules on the slopes, guaranteeing a peaceful skiing experience.

5. Personalized Progression:
Whether you are an absolute beginner or looking to refine your technique, the ski school offers group lessons for every level of progression.”